About Me

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A 20-something HipMix.net employee, afflicted with the grace of a drunken hippopotamus, tries out the world of belly dance. She attempts to tell her tale through a mixture of sarcasm and honesty.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Things I Thought I Already Explained

For a while, my close friend and I have been discussing her entry into belly dance. As in, I want her to, and she's dragging her feet. Actually, I've been dragging a lot of friends kicking and screaming toward the art form, but that's because it'll be good for them. All they have to do, is listen to me!

So here's the reasons I want her to dance:
1. She loves yoga
2. She's grace-impaired, like myself
3. She has knee problems so she can't run
4. She's secure in her own body, she just wants to tone up a little
5. She's a total free spirit who plays by her own rules

Sound familiar?

I mean, clearly she's a dancer in the making!

I thought I had her on board with the belly dance train, and she recently mentioned a desire to lose a few pounds, but she's low on cash. I suggested maybe she try out some beginner DVD's  to get hooked, and then drop in on a class with Dilara (who, in case you didn't know, is a fantastic teacher).

All of a sudden she says, "I don't know. Can I really use belly dancing as a workout?"

Sigh. I'll let you picture my face.


  1. Haha yes! By the way, I was worried last night's class wasn't enough of a workout for me, and I woke up sooo sore. Love that feeling.

  2. Belly dance will hopefully be my gateway drug into other forms of dance. Dance exercise here I come. Jealous you were sore. Alex was too. I was not. Must clench butt muscles more...

  3. Can I get this thighs to email me when you comment?
