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A 20-something HipMix.net employee, afflicted with the grace of a drunken hippopotamus, tries out the world of belly dance. She attempts to tell her tale through a mixture of sarcasm and honesty.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What Does a Belly Dancer Look Like?

Dilara has a great blog on "what an American looks like". I'd like to expand that further and talk about... what does a belly dancer look like?
I test drove some cars this past weekend while I debated taking my current vehicle off life support (it made it through the night and should live to see a few more thousand miles).

When I told the car salesman I worked for HipMix.net, he said, "Oh I sold a car to a belly dancer a few weeks ago. But she wasn't what I expected a belly dancer to look like."

Before you started belly dancing, what did you think a belly dancer should look like?

What is your opinion now?


  1. for me it really comes down to a weight thing. Before I started dancing I assumed that all bellydancers were little Middle Eastern Barbies.....now I am happy to report that we have all sizes, ages and shapes of talent. Yay!

  2. I think that I learned early on in my dancing that there was a diversity of ages, styles, shapes and sizes. But I do get tickled when prospective students tell me they don't look like a belly dancer so they are scared to take a class. The last one who called told me she was heavier than what a belly dancer normally would be...I laughed when she walked in the door and she was 3-4 sizes smaller than me! And, I think she was equally surprised and pleased when I told her that her body was perfect just the way it was for dancing.

  3. I was the same way - I thought all belly dancers had tiny waists, and round hips (like Jasmine from Aladdin).

    Najla - it seems a lot of people feel that way. As women, we're taught to be self-conscious and hide our bodies. We envy belly dancers because they seem free and confident, on display but womanly. And we don't seem to think we can be that way. I think my favorite belly dance stories are by people who are totally shy in normal life, but can find themselves through dance.

  4. You know, when I first wanted to belly dance, a lot of my family made fun of me, asking if I was going to go into a strip club. But I KNEW that belly dancing was not stripperish or about exposing your body.

    But that also made me think about what a dancer is suppose to look like. If they are respective to strippers, they HAVE to be skinny and good looking right? I mean, who would want to see someone's rolls falling out of their costume?

    I'm proud to tell you that I danced through pregnancy, up until seven months -even performed!- and danced with another that was a good 250-300 pounds of passion and grace! When my niece made fun of her weight (she was about eight that time), I scolded her right then and there. I was much larger than this woman when I was pregnant, and made a valid -and visual- point that anyone can dance, no matter how heavy, skinny, or uncoordinated they are. I think she gets it now. I hope!


  5. Ooh. Good question. I think when I first started I expected bellydancers to be very hourglass shaped. I hadn't though of bellydance until one of my friends from ballroom dance started showing me some of the moves she'd learned. She was on the thinner side, but also had a good shape. It wasn't until I saw a dance show for the first time that my idea of a bellydancer changed. One girl did a solo veil piece to an Imogen Heap song ("Have you got it in you?"). Although she was a fairly heavy girl, it was the most beautiful choreography I'd ever seen. She flowed so gracefully and had such emotion in her face that I was mesmerized.

    A bellydancer to me now is much more about the attitude and the presence, much more than body shape.

    I'm curious too. Did you ask the car dealer what he thought a bellydancer should look like? :)

  6. Good question! Before starting belly dance, I have always pictured belly dancers as being curvy and exotically beautiful, but now I am happy that I know we come in all shapes and sizes- which is the beauty of the dance!
