About Me

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A 20-something HipMix.net employee, afflicted with the grace of a drunken hippopotamus, tries out the world of belly dance. She attempts to tell her tale through a mixture of sarcasm and honesty.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A HipMix.net Life: The Sitcom Begins

I have a bad habit of wanting to explain everything.

I don't know where this idea embedded in my brain that anyone might actually care, but I can't help myself. If you meet me out, I'll probably tell you my life story, embarrassing details & all, in about 5 minutes.

In the spirit of telling more than is natural, I'd like to start a series on "Life at HipMix.net" to show what's it's like working in a small office full of people passionate about Belly Dance. I'm gonna write it like a sitcom because, well, I want to.

Meet the Characters:

Dilara Sultan, @hipmix, Belly Dancer Entrepreneur. We pretty much all met Dilara at a local coffee shop and were instantly blown away by her passion for belly dance. Dilara is married (sorry, boys), with two great kids who have inherited their mother's love of wit and opinions. Dilara pretty much understands that we're all opinionated in this office, but I'm guessing that's why she hired us. At least that's what I'm telling myself. In any case, my favorite thing about Dilara is that she's not afraid to speak her mind in a lady-like Southern drawl.

Kaitlyn, @kaitlynofthemix, Membership Coordinator and all-around sweetheart. I recently described her as the sweet to my sour. Seriously, a bus could run over her and she would apologize. And probably snap right back up to her feet; she's resilient like that. I couldn't pick a better Membership Coordinator, because if anyone could make you wanna join something, it's Kaitlyn. She's just so darn sweet. Plus she laughs at all of my jokes, which really makes me want to keep talking (unfortunately for her).

Amelia, @ameliakaram, Fashionista and Belly Dance Convert. I bet Amelia never thought she'd be involved in the world of Belly Dance, but from what I can tell it's made her life all the richer. Amelia is probably the only other person in the world who could rival me for the title of having the most unbridled honesty. Which is why I like her, because good or bad, she tells you what's what, but in the nicest way. That's really what you want in someone who is planning your outfits, right?

Haley, @haleyhipmix, Writer, Recent Hire, and Keeper of My Sanity. Yes, she does have the worst job here (hah hah... aw I'm making fun of myself). What I love about Haley is that she shares my general lack of coordination, but that doesn't change the fact we love belly dancing regardless. Considering our combined bad dance class experiences, it's a wonder we even get out of bed in the morning. We're the two newest HipMix.net employees, so we bonded together instantly, and I'm so grateful she's here!

Jen, AKA Office Goddess. Jen's been here the longest, so she could probably tell you better than me what crazy things have gone on in this office. When I first started at HipMix.net, I was convinced Jen hated me. But Jen's got this wisdom thing - I think she was born with it. She just knows things. Anyways, she caught on pretty early that I always leave my lunch at home, so she's constantly offering me food at the office. Since she's actively participating in not starving me, I'm pretty sure she likes me just a little bit.

Aaand there's me, @hipchristina (hi, world!). I started at HipMix.net as a birthday present. No really, I started just days after my birthday, and all I wanted was a job I loved. Score one for me! I'm the Marketing Assistant, and general wall for people to bounce ideas off. I like to talk, I like even more to throw opinions around. And when I'm not eating my foot, I like to think I help people formulate ideas, and create goals. My goal at HipMix.net has been to bring the world of belly dance to those who don't really know about it, and in turn, shatter stereotypes about what the dance form is and what it means. Additionally, I'd like to be the person who explains what HipMix.net is, since, well, did you read my first paragraph?

So I hope you enjoyed my little intro, and I look forward to bringing you into this life, hopefully with a little humor on the side.

1 comment:

  1. More like Humor with a little bit of writing on the side. I love it!

    I guess a lot of Texans have a bad case of foot-in-mouth syndrome. It's a chronic thing for me.

    I still haven't learned to close my mouth... Yet.

