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A 20-something HipMix.net employee, afflicted with the grace of a drunken hippopotamus, tries out the world of belly dance. She attempts to tell her tale through a mixture of sarcasm and honesty.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Don't Honk at Me!

One of my coworkers and I have been motivating each other to be more proactive. Ever since I've started my new job, I've been lax on my workout schedule. It's really easy to fall behind in working out, mostly because after awhile we only remember the work and not the good feeling afterward.

I was getting tired with my running routine, and that's why I was excited to take up belly dancing. It will be a lot more low-impact, and I'm hoping to lessen the shin pains and blisters (I really need to take better care of my feet).

Alas, some good things you have to wait for. And while I spent much of my childhood praying for patience, I just didn't enjoy waiting around to get some. Patience, that is.

Speaking of patience, you know what I really don't have any tolerance for?

Men who honk at a girl who is minding her own business, running on the side of the road.

Because I haven't been able to belly dance, I decided running outside might be a nice way to change up my routine. Plus, it's been so beautiful and cool these past few days, as a Texan I'd be crazy not to enjoy the cooler weather.

Anyways, I know I look a little weird running in Eeyore capris, but do I really look like I need a honk to remind me I exist?

I don't know if it's because I look weird running, or my choice of outfit, or if I'm a self-centered freak who assumes anyone honking is really honking at me and not someone who just cut them off. I don't know.

Another negative to running on the side of the road? Car/truck exhaust. I felt it slowing me down as I choked on the fumes.

I must be spoiled, since I used to run on Town Lake in Austin with trees, fellow runners, all people who might ogle at the man who would ride his bike in nothing but tan-colored underwear, but none who would be inappropriate to a female running alone. It was like running with hundreds of like-minded strangers. The only comment ever directed at me was a random, "I like your hustle!"

In any case, it all makes me anxious for joining in a community of people who appear to be so uplifting. Obviously we are all human, and act rude sometimes, but I like the "all shapes, all sizes" aspect of belly dance.

Ok ok... just two more weeks left.

And just to show you how great Town Lake is, here's a picture:

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